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Transgenic mice that express human HLA molecules represent a unique in vivo experimental model for evaluating human immune system function.These models have been used to study the role of the human class I or class Il restricted T cell repertoire in autoimmune disease, infectious disease, and vaccine development. They are also valued tools for evaluating human HLA restrictec T cell-mediated vaccine efficacy in oncology applications. Biocytogen developed the B-HLA 2.1 mice. The model B2m gene (Exon1 to Exon3) of mouse were replaced by the sequence encompassing the human B2M CDS and HLA-A*0201 gene that included leader sequence, α1 and α2 domains ligated to a fragment of the murine H2-D1 gene containing the α3, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Mice expressing human HLA molecules have helped advance the understanding of human immune system function, as well as potential novel therapeutics.
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